Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Speaking of Recipes...

I realized after I posted the link to my friend's recipe blog earlier (methinks I will re-post it here for your linking convenience) that I haven't written a post about one of my favorite recipe blogs, which can be found here.

I love Crockpot365 because the recipes are simple, gluten-free, and delicious. Basically, you grab some ingredients, toss them in a crockpot, go to work for the day, then come home to a hot and tasty dinner. What more could a girl ask for? ...Except maybe to come home to a hot significant other serving up the hot meal (take this as your hint, George Clooney). If you're looking for a place to start on the blog, I highly recommend the Buffalo Chicken Lasagna. I've made it for my friends numerous times. At each dinner party, they show up twitching slightly like heroine addicts awaiting their methodone fix. I recommend serving it with a salad with g.f. bleu cheese dressing and some wine. If you're lucky enough to live in a multiple-crockpot home or have the foresight to plan you meals in advance (I am lacking in all ways mentioned), you could even make crockpot brownies for dessert. Brownies you say? Why yes! Crockpots are magical! She has books that you can purchase, too! I own her first one and it is full of dog-eared pages and notes to myself about substitutions that have worked when I was too lazy to walk to the grocery store. Have I mentioned how forgiving crockpots are???

So now you have no excuse not to try something new and tasty this week. Meanwhile, I'll be slogging through my leftover g-free Easter ham. 

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